An animation produced for BBC South East entitled ‘What is it Like to Go Through a Mental Health Crisis?‘ originally created by four students from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts has this week won a coveted BBC Ruby Award. Ruby Awards are internal to the BBC and they are open to people working in TV (including digital teams) in the BBC English regions, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Ruby Awards recognise the best of journalism over the last year and there are a range of categories spanning issues like coverage of news events, best programme and various awards for individuals journalists.
Many congratulations to our Digital Media alumni, Sophia Ppali, Samantha Body, Rhianna Taylor and Roan Caulfield upon this achievement. Indeed, further good news could be in the pipeline as the video has also been shortlisted in the Kent Press and Broadcast (winners will be announced on Friday 13 July 2018).
The animation, which features the story of 23-year-old Sophie who has Borderline Personality Disorder, can be viewed here.