Hosted by Jinyu Liu, the celebrations included an entertaining presentation by Jingqiong (Jane) Zhang about the Fire Rooster and a programme of musical entertainment performed by researchers and staff from EDA. Some performers were invited from UKC CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association) Music Society. Chenxi Wang, the 12-year old daughter of Dr Tao Wang (EDA Visiting Senior Research Fellow), performed a piano and vocal solo. A video clip of the speech by the Prime Minister Theresa May on the Year of the Rooster was also played at the party. A highlight of the party was an interactive game called “mannequin challenge” which took place during the musical performances. The evening was rounded off with a range of Chinese games.
EDA celebrates the Year of the Rooster 2017
Staff, students and guests from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year with a buffet of Chinese food and entertainment in the social area of the Jennison building on the evening of Friday, 27 January 2017 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).