Research Seminar – next EDA Research Seminar – “Video Services over 5G Networks: Cross layer resource allocation/sharing” – 19 June 2015

The next EDA Research Seminar entitled “Video Services over 5G Networks: Cross layer resource allocation/sharing” will be delivered by Dr Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei of King’s College London and takes place on 19 June 2015 in Jennison Lecture Theatre at 2 pm.

This talk will discuss the various video-related use cases and opportunities in 5G and beyond, and will expand on the challenges in designing the future networks that can support high quality services for content-rich video applications. Efficient and cross-layer resource allocation/sharing will be elaborated as a means for satisfying the future demand for such services.

Dr. Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei has been engaged in research in the area of wireless communications and signal processing for twenty years both in academic and industrial organizations. He has worked for two start-up companies (1998-2000), and for National Semiconductor Corp. (NSC), CA, USA, (2000-2002), on the design of 3rd generation mobile handsets, for which he has been awarded three US patents as inventor and co- nventor, respectively. In 2002 he joined King’s College London (KCL) as Lecturer, and is now a Reader at the center for telecommunications research, Department of Informatics. He has since worked on a number of topics including signal processing for interference suppression, analysis and design of adaptive transmitters, resource allocation techniques in wireless communications, and modeling efficient adaptive cross-layer techniques in order to improve QoS of multimedia applications over wireless and IP networks. His recent research also encompasses applications in healthcare and in-band full duplex communication.

He has served as expert consultant to the high-tech companies. He is a senior member of IEEE and is the founder and organiser of the annual international conference ‘Wireless Advanced’ (formerly SPWC) hosted by King’s College London between 2003-2012. He has won the overall King’s College London ‘Excellence in Supervisory Award’ as well as the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences’ Excellence in Supervisory Award in 2014.

All members of academic, technical and administrative staff are welcome to the seminar. RAs and postgraduates (PhD candidates and MSc students) are particularly encouraged to attend the event. For any further enquiries, please contact Professor Jiangzhou Wang ( who will also chair the seminar.