Professor Xiaohu You is currently the Director of National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory at Southeast University and a Cheung Kong Specially-appointed Professor. He has published extensively in international journals and conferences in the areas of signal processing and wireless communications. Since 1999, he has been the Principal Expert of the 3G, 4G and 5G mobile communications projects of China National “863” High-Tech Program. He was the recipient of China National First-class Technical Invention Award in 2011 and was the General Chair of IEEE WCNC2013. He is the Chairman of IEEE Nanjing Section. Professor You was selected as IEEE Fellow in 2011 for his contributions to development of mobile cmmunications in China. He is awarded the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship of Royal Academy of Engineering.
All members of academic, technical and administrative staff are welcome to the seminar. RAs and postgraduates (PhD candidates and MSc students) are particularly encouraged to attend the event. Professor Professor Jiangzhou Wang will chair the seminar and any enquiries should be addressed to him. (