Research Seminar – GHz-THz Wave Sensing and Imaging Activities @ ETRO-VUB – Weds 28th January at 10 am in KBSX4, Kent Business School Extension

The next EDA Research Seminar will be delivered by Professor Johan Stiens from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, and is entitled ‘GHz-THz Wave Sensing and Imaging Activities @ ETRO-VUB’. It will take place on Wednesday 28th January from 10 am until 11 am in KBSX4, Kent Business School Extension.

Professor Stien’s presentation will give an overview of the various sensor and imaging applications in the field of GHz-THz wave under development in the Electronics and Informatics department (ETRO-IR-VUB) @ the University of Brussels. The group is working on the electromagnetic design of sensors, the assemblage of sensor and imaging systems, and the post-processing of data (e.g. inverse problem solving, compressive sensing).

Johan Stiens received the electro-mechanical engineering degree with majors in Applied Physics and the Ph.D. degree with greatest honors from the University of Brussels (VUB) in 1990 and 1996, respectively. Since 2011 he holds the academic position of “Professor”. He teaches several courses in the Engineering faculty of 3 Belgian universities (VUB, ULB, UG) ranging from Micro- Nano- and Optoelectronic semiconductor devices and related fabrication technologies, to Bioelectronics and Modelling of Physiological Systems. He is the director of the BISENS lab, the Brussels Integrated Sensor Laboratory, associated with IMEC, where he is also a part time senior research scientist. He is the vice-chairman of the interuniversity master in biomedical engineering organized between UGENT and VUB.
For about two decades, his research domain comprises the study of passive and active devices and systems operating in the 10 GHz to 30 THz range targeting sensing, imaging and modulation functionalities. He is the author one book and of more than 200 (including +100 ISI) international journal and conference papers. He owns 10 patents and 3 are pending. For two devices, a Q-switch modulator for 30 THz radiation and a bio-sensor operating at 0.3 THz he holds with his team the world record in device performance. He reviews for about 10 scientific journals. He has a strong focus on valorization potential of R&D results. He has been acting as a consultant for several years for an American IP company and Belgian research institute. In 2005 he was cofounder of the spin-off company Eqcologic, dealing with equalizer chips. This company was successfully sold in 2014 to a US based multinational. In the same year 014, he started with several colleagues a novel spin-out company, M2Wave-Aquantis, dealing with GHz-THz wave sensors for deployment in industrial monitoring applications.

All members of academic, technical and administrative staff are welcome to the seminar. RAs and postgraduates (PhD candidates and MSc students) are particularly encouraged to attend the event. Dr Chao Wang will chair the Seminar and any enquiries should be addressed to Dr Wang. (