We are delighted to welcome Dr Jingyuan Sun to the Instrumentation, Control and Embedded Systems (ICES) Research Group at the School of Engineering and Digital Arts, following its successful bid to the Newton International Fellowships Scheme. Dr Sun is the second Newton International Fellow at the University of Kent. The success rate in 2014 was 8%. The first Newton International Fellowship at Kent (Dr Chuanglong Xu) was also awarded to the ICES Research Group in 2011. This prestigious scheme is a joint initiative between the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society and was established to select the very best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to enable them to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. Newton International Fellows are eligible to receive up to £6,000 annually for up to ten years following the tenure of their Fellowship to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.
Dr Sun will be working with Professor Yong Yan on a project entitled “Characterisation of fluidisation processes through advanced monitoring and computational modelling”. Before joining EDA, Dr Sun was a Lecturer at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China.