Richard Misek’s acclaimed documentary Rohmer in Paris screens in London this Sunday, 28th September, as a part of the Barbican’s Cinema’s groundbreaking ‘City Visions’ season – a series of films programmed in collaboration with The Guardian, focussing on contemporary urban experiences from across the globe.
Since its premiere in Copenhagen last November, Rohmer in Paris has itself travelled the globe, with over thirty screenings in cities on five continents – from Melbourne to Vancouver, and Buenos Aires to Vladovostok. The film’s screening at the Barbican marks the culmination of a ten-month festival run, and its first official domestic screening.
The film will be introduced by the director, and followed by a rare screening of Eric Rohmer’s 1970s masterpiece, L’Amour l’après-midi.
For more details of the City Visions season, see:
Many congratulations to Dr Richard Misek, Lecturer in Digital Media, from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts upon his film’s success.