We are pleased to announce that the School of Engineering and Digital Arts has been awarded an EU project. The RAPID project is a collaboration between 5 EU and 6 Japanese partners, investigating technology and techniques for dense wireless user network environments. A particular focus will be millimetre-wave, and heterogeneous millimetre-wave and lower-frequency, wireless networks using small, optical fibre-fed “attocells”; photonic technologies and techniques which can aid the fibre distribution network will also be investigated.
There are 2 studentship positions available which will each be funded at a rate of €25,732 per annum. We are looking for excellent students with a strong first degree or Masters degree in electronic engineering or related areas relevant to the PhD topic.
Further details of the studentships are on the School’s postgraduate research project page http://www.eda.kent.ac.uk/postgraduate/projects_funding/pgr_project_detail.aspx?pid=2134 together with details of how to apply. The closing date for applications is 15 September 2014.