Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Workshop – 17th April 2013

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) is one of the world’s leading knowledge transfer mechanisms and helps UK businesses improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance by accessing the knowledge, technology and skills that are available within Universities, through the development of collaborative partnerships which stimulate innovation and can transform the participating organisations. It offers businesses the opportunity to work in partnership with an academic institution to obtain knowledge and expertise to which they currently have no access, to address their business challenges and embed sustainable innovation. The knowledge sought is embedded into the company through a project or projects undertaken by a recently qualified graduate (known as the KTP Associate) recruited specifically to work on that project. KTP delivers a knowledge transfer project for business innovation and embeds a sustainable capability. Through KTP, businesses can also develop and integrate the capacity and capability for innovation after and beyond KTP projects.
A Knowledge Transfer Partnership can benefit all parties who participate.
For Business and organisations:
With such a wide range of KTP projects, the business outputs can vary considerably but the average business benefits for a project may include; an increase of more than £240,000 in annual profits before tax, the creation of two genuine new jobs, in addition to the recruitment of the Associate, and an additional 15 staff trained. Projects can help growth, best practice and success by exploring sustainability, new markets and future expansion, increasing your competitive edge.
Universities (Knowledge Base):
Academics working on KTP projects are typically able to; develop business relevant teaching materials, initiate three new research projects and publish high quality research and conference papers, identify undergraduate or post-graduate projects, contribute to the Research Excellence Framework exercise (REF) and gain an improved understanding of business requirements and operations. Universities can build commercial relationships leading to new collaborative ventures.
As one of the country’s largest graduate recruitment schemes, KTP continues to enhance Associates’ career prospects in the following ways; it provides them with the opportunity to manage a challenging project that is central to the company’s strategic development, 73% of Associates are offered employment by their host company on completion of their project, and KTP is a recognized route to fast-track career development. (KTP Achievements & Outcomes Report 2010/11).
Come and learn more about the KTP scheme and how you can benefit from taking part. Our regional KTP adviser, Dr Terry Corner will be at the University of Kent (Woolf College) on Wednesday 17th April 2013 from 9.30 am until 1.30 pm to introduce the scheme, explain the basics and discuss any specific project ideas. The academic team from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts who have a strong track record of successful KTP partnerships will also talk about their projects and the benefits to the University and businesses involved, whilst drawing on case studies to demonstrate. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A and one-to-ones.
To book, a downloadable registration form can be found at Alternatively, please contact Catherine Butler, our External Services Officer, at C.R., for further information.