Michael Eames, Emmy award winning animator and animation director of Prime Focus Features, part of the largest visual effects business in the world, David Moore, film and television director, most recently of Munro and Merlin, and Matt Saxton, producer of Uli Meyer Studio who make numerous award winning animated commercials, including the present Domestos campaign for Unilever which may have saved that brand from being discontinued, visited the School on 12th May to advise students on our Masters courses in Digital Visual Effects and Computer Animation on the finance and practical operation of the international feature film, TV and commercials businesses. The experts met the students in small seminar groups and in one to one sessions to discuss their best direction for final project work.
This continues our policy of making our courses as directly relevant to the current British industry as we can.
This continues our policy of making our courses as directly relevant to the current British industry as we can.