Having just animated Aslan in the new Narnia film, Kent Computer Animation MSc alumni Liam Russell and Elwaleed Suliman take time off for a two-day workshop on quadruped motion with current MSc students. Liam and El have also animated at London’s Framestore on Avatar (robots), Clash of the Titans (Medusa), the Nanny McFee series (mice) and many other top-flight projects.
They wanted to concentrate on helping students get good examples of four-legged motion as this alone can sway employers in the VFX industry to employ animators. This fits in with the employment orientated Digital Visual Effects and Computer Animation MScs at Kent which has already helped many hopeful digital artists on to career paths in the film and television industries.
They wanted to concentrate on helping students get good examples of four-legged motion as this alone can sway employers in the VFX industry to employ animators. This fits in with the employment orientated Digital Visual Effects and Computer Animation MScs at Kent which has already helped many hopeful digital artists on to career paths in the film and television industries.