Best Paper Award

Karl Harmer and Gareth Howells received the Best Paper Award for “Fuzzy Vault Fingerprint Smartcard Implementation using an Orientation-Based Feature Vector, K. Harmer, G. Howells, W. Sheng, M.C. Fairhurst, F. Deravi” at the 2008 ECSIS Symposium on Bio-Inspired, Learning and Intelligent Systems for Security in Edinburgh on 4-6 August. The work was part of the EPSRC grant on “Template-Free Biometric Encryption for Data Integrity Assurance”.
With the increasing employment of biometric authentication systems worldwide there has been significant concern over the security regarding the storage of biometric templates. In this paper, a fuzzy vault fingerprint smartcard implementation, which is unlocked by using an orientation-based feature vector, is presented. The fuzzy vault contains an unknown key which can be used either for identification or for file encryption/decryption.