We can all be Global Citzens!

At the University of Kent, we hope all students will engage with internationalisation opportunities on campus and pursue the mind-set that we can all be … Read more

Medway EmpFest is coming!

Between 17th October and 31st October 2018, the University of Kent will host the annual Employability Festival in Medway! This will involve numerous events, including employer … Read more

Kent RAG

Kent RAG is a great way to enhance your employability, earn points and make a positive difference! Check out the guest blog from Kent RAG … Read more

September newsletter now live

You can now check out the latest update from the EP Scheme: Canterbury students: https://www.kent.ac.uk/employabilitypoints/files/newsletter/september-18-newsletter-canterbury.pdf  Medway students: https://www.kent.ac.uk/employabilitypoints/files/newsletter/september-18-newsletter-medway.pdf These updates include the latest confirmed sponsors, … Read more


About UseUni is a Platform/Service that enables undergraduates to connect with local business’s for temporary/flexible work, project work and internships in line with their degree … Read more

#EmpFest is coming!

Between 1st October and 19th October 2018, the University of Kent will host the annual Employability Festival! This will involve hundreds of events, including employer … Read more

Volunteer with Demelza

Demelza are a charity who provide specialist care and emotional support to children suffering from terminal conditions, and their family. Demelza are looking for student … Read more