As a result of funding from Santander Universities, one of our long-standing employers, TMLEP, provided two internships to the Employability Points Scheme. These were undertaken by Caitlin Morton and Maria Deguara, both from Kent Law School, who earned enough EP’s to apply for these exciting rewards.
The Medico-Legal Administrator internships provided experience in the field of clinical negligence assisting in the provision of medico-legal reports to some of the largest clinical negligence law firms in the UK.
The EP Team recently caught up with Alexander Acaster, UK Operations and Business Development Manager, who commented how they have never been let down by any of our EP interns during the many years they have been working with us. Alexander stated the EP student shortlist received from us always provides the highest quality of applicants, far outshining applications they receive from other routes.
“It does mean we have high expectations of any new interns coming through, but both Caitlin and Maria have more than met these expectations and we are already considering extending their time with us beyond this internship as they have shown themselves to be excellent members of staff. Both Caitlin and Maria have been able to fit into the team with ease and training them has been easy due to the driven and professional personalities they have brought to TMLEP.
The Santander funding enables TMLEP to be able to provide these internship opportunities to students, where we may not be able to without the extra support”.