ELSA – The European Law Student’s Association

This excellent student society has been re-established!

The European Law Student’s Association (ELSA) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit organisation run by and for students. ELSA has the world’s largest network of law students and young lawyers, spanning 43 countries and consisting of more than 50,000 members dotted across the globe.

As Kent is ‘the UK’s European University’, we have a diverse student body and we wish to take advantage of that. ELSA gives students the chance to build connections with people from all over the world, in preparation for a professional life in an international environment. Through membership with Kent ELSA students gain entry into the various national and international events which ELSA hosts, such as S.T.E.P, research groups, mooting competitions, and international delegations at the ECHR, WTO and Council of Europe. Membership also allows students entry into our local talks from world-class legal professionals, skills building workshops, national and international trips, socials and amazing networking opportunities with present and future international trailblazers.


Simply put, ELSA is the perfect way to prepare for a successful career in Law!

 Our upcoming events for the Autumn Term 2019 are as follows:

 ELSA Introductory Talk – Tuesday 19th November 2019 (6pm – 8pm) Location TBC

 ELSA’s Drinks & Mingle – Friday 29th November 2019 (8pm Onwards) in K-bar


All details and updates about ELSA’s upcoming events will be shared through our social media pages @ukcelsa  (Instagram and Facebook).

If you have any further questions, contact us through our email address ukcelsa@gmail.com