
EP Sponsor Profile 2019-20

Caliper develop personality assessments for business talent.


Caliper are the ‘Talent Assessment People.’ They have been working in partnership with their clients since 1962 to help them tap into talent and transform their business through people.

Caliper’s personality assessments and consulting expertise can help their clients recruit, develop and manage people more effectively. Their assessments delve below surface impressions to give a clear understanding of each individual’s inner motivations and strengths as well as any unseen areas of concern.

Their consultancy style is straightforward, with an emphasis on practical solutions. They get to know their clients and their companies thoroughly in order to understand their business needs, priorities, constraints and what makes the organisation unique. They support their clients at every stage of the employee life cycle.

Website: Here.

Rewards 2019-20

Caliper are offering the Highest Achieving Student who has completed the Careers and Employability Award on Moodle with £150 Amazon Vouchers! Caliper are also running a skills session on developing confidence.