Following the completion of various EP rewards throughout the summer, we are delighted to confirm that a number of students have secured further employment with EP sponsors.
One example is Kent Law Student, James Whitehead, who secured a permanent position as a Practice Administrator following a 10-week internship with TMLEP. Additionally, School of Anthropology and Conservation student, Caitlin Minter is now working at Visit Kent as a Project and Marketing Executive following an EP internship.
Local business, Sustainability Monitor, have also offered a part-time role to Psychology student Heiki Must following his EP internship. Heiki will now be assisting the company’s CEO undertaking statistical analysis whilst he completes his MSc.
Lastly, awarding winning accountancy and financial services firm, Kreston Reeves, have recently offered their EP intern, Aleksandra Szkurlat, a position on their graduate scheme!
For more information on the EP Scheme, please click here.