The EP team caught up with second year law student Ethan Bloodworth during his 2-week placement within the legal services team at Medway Council.
Mahalah Watson and Chris King from the legal services team at Medway Council have been welcoming students for work experience placements on the EP scheme for many years, and have always provided fantastic opportunities for law students looking to further their skills and knowledge alongside their studies. This summer, the team are welcoming two students for placements with them, and we spent some time chatting to Ethan about how much he has enjoyed his time with them!
One of the key selling points of this Reward with Medway Council is the sheer variety of work that the students get to experience, across many fields of expertise. Ethan himself was very fortunate to have a very busy two weeks, being able to help prepare for and observe a number of court cases, as well as attending a full day at a public inquest in Maidstone, which was a unique and exciting opportunity. Ethan was telling us about how he had been entrusted with preparing bundles for court, as well as reviewing this after cases had been heard, and how satisfying it was when all of the time and effort he put into research really paid off in the finished product! As a second year student, Ethan told us that he was really keen to try and learn as much as he could in as many different areas of law as possible, and this experience with Medway Council was perfect for meeting this need! After two weeks of working alongside so many different people, chatting to them about their backgrounds and the choices which they made to get to where they are today, has really helped him start to make a decision about his future career path.
Mahalah and Chris have always been impressed with the calibre of students who come to complete work experience with them at the council, and the team have really benefitted from having Ethan with them for his placement. He has shown a keen willingness to learn, demonstrating plenty of initiative and completing all work to an excellent standard, even when asked to support colleagues across the service with last minute requests. The mutual benefits of having students with them for work experience means that they hope to keep offering this on the scheme for years to come!
As Ethan told us, it is really important to engage with the scheme, get your points and apply for experience like this to give yourself a fighting chance after you have graduated from your studies. Be sure to engage and earn your points this year, and apply for this amazing opportunity, and the hundreds of others we have lined up for you!
Interested in this Reward? Find out more about Medway Council and the legal services on their website.
P.S. Be sure to research Medway Council, it’s services and operations in readiness for your interviews!