
EP Sponsor Profile 2019-20

Waterstone’s is one of the leading booksellers on the High Street and online.


At the Rose Lane Waterstone’s store, students will have the opportunity to learn from Store Manager, Martin Latham, who is a published historian with over 20 years of experience in retail management.

Martin has in fact recently published a book via Penguin Random House!

Visit their website here.

Rewards 2019-20

Waterstone’s are offering work experience placements, allowing a student to gain the opportunity to work in Management as a management trainee, whilst also gaining an insight into publishing, events management, business operations and marketing. There will also be a skills development session focusing on retail and publishing.

Student Testimonials

‘Waterstone’s will bring out that potential you felt you never had. I learnt the ability to switch tasks, develop team work skills, enhance my confidence and gain a comprehensive appreciation of retail management.’

~ Dario Quadri Ilkhani, School of Politics and International Relations

‘If you love books as much as the Waterstone’s staff do; and you are prepared to muck in with everything from shelving, customer queries, pricing, website management, orders, window design, reviews to sticking labels – then two weeks in this shop will show you just how hard booksellers work. You will learn a lot and like most things – get out of it as much as you put in!’

~ Pauline McGonagle, School of English

Check out the 2017 case study here!