Accessibility buddies will be part of a team helping students with print disabilities* to access learning resources in the formats that work best for them. For example, you might help by scanning a textbook that is only available in print form and converting it into an electronic format so that a student with a visual impairment can access the reading on their computer using text to speech software or you might audio describe visual information to help to broaden the experience of a live performance.
This is a really interesting and important role that will allow participants to develop a wide range of transferable skills:
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion principles
- Inclusive information design
- Accessible format creation and delivery
- Assistive technology use
- Time management and organisation
- Copyright and intellectual property
- E-book publishing processes
- Proofreading
- Collaborative working
- Communication skills
Following a successful pilot last year we are hoping to extend our vibrant network and will support the role with training and ongoing guidance alongside an opportunity to contribute to the development of a highly valued, sustainable and dynamic model of support for people with print disabilities.
Accessibility buddies are required for Autumn and Spring terms and will be awarded 40 points (plus additional points for attending related training sessions).
If you would like any further guidance about the role please contact Nik Duncan or Ben Watson from the OPERA Project :
* A print-disabled person is anyone for whom a visual, cognitive or physical disability hinders the ability to read print. This includes all visual impairments, dyslexia, and any physical disabilities that prevent the handling of a physical copy of a print publication.