The Employability Points (EP) Scheme rewards you with experiences of work for undertaking co-curricular activities whilst you are studying at the University of Kent. You may already be getting involved with events, societies, working part-time or volunteering and by doing-so, you can claim Employability Points! If you earn enough, you can use these to apply for exclusive ‘rewards’ which include paid internships, work experience, training and vouchers!
In the past, a number of Computing students have benefited through the scheme and here are some examples!
During this four-year degree, School of Computing student, Sergey Ovchinnik, amassed over 2,000 points, leading to him twice winning the prize, ‘Highest Scoring Student from the Faculty of Sciences’ (£250 Amazon voucher). On top of this, Sergey was rewarded with a 3-week placement with Bright Shadow. This local business delivers zest workshops to assist people suffering from Dementia and Sergey was given the chance to undertake product testing, market research, reporting attend conferences and much more!
Deborah Bempong and Asha Burathoki undertook a 2-week placements with Velmai, a British chatbot developer and builder of AI bot customisations. Debroah and Asha joined two business students and worked as a team testing Velmai’s chatbot Albert, whilst gaining the chance to learn about emerging technologies including hologram and 3D avatars!
Asha commented: “Velmai is an amazing company to work for. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work as an intern under the mentorship of Velmai CEO, Professor Dr. Tania Peitzker. With so many credentials behind her, she is not only an empowering woman but truly an expert in the field of chatbots.”
Since completing their EP rewards, Debroah is still working with Velmai in a New Client Acquisition and Tech Support role, whereas Asha is still working with the company in Bot Implementation and Quality Assurance!
For 2018-19, there will be even more opportunities for Computing students, with coding and development internships already confirmed with both Reflect Digital and MCM Net, in addition to rewards with FDM!
For more info, check out