The project conference took place last week in Canterbury Cathedral Lodge. Delegates spoke on a wide range of topics, including the Eludicarium in Middle High German, Welsh, Old English and Anglo-Norman. Both members of the project team also gave papers: Huw Grange’s paper, entitled ‘Spreading the Light to Youngsters: The Lucidaires as Children’s Catechism?’, sought to debunk the view that in the later Middle Ages the text was used for the education of children, while Sarah James’s paper, ‘Beating Buttocks and Baring Souls: Performing the English Elucidarium’, explored the context within which one late English version might have been intended for dramatic performance. Keynote lectures were given by Professor John Thompson (Queen’s University Belfast) and Professor Keith Busby (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Delegates also enjoyed an exhibition of early pastoral works in the Cathedral Archives, and took the opportunity to experiment with DocExplore, an EU-funded project investigating the computer-based access and analysis of historical manuscripts.