November News RoundUp

NOV round-ups

Where is the best chicken katsu on campus? Why is there a day in the year where women effectively stop earning? What even is money? These and other crucial questions answered in this month’s RoundUp.

You’re Hired!

  • Working hard and playing even harder were our PhD students, who explored DEFRA project proposals in the form of a Dragon’s Den style workshop. Read more.

She works hard for the money

  • This Equal Pay Day Dr Amanda Gosling revealed that that the gap in pay between higher educated mothers and fathers (the ‘motherhood penalty’) is as large today as it was 40 years ago. Read more.

The state of the U.K. economy

  • Former Kent Economics Professor, now Director of NIESR, Jagjit Chadha came to unpack the world of central banking but we really enjoyed his lively digressions! Read more.

Sell me this pen

  • Kent Invest’s VP Joshua Cheeseman gave us his hot takes on mince pies, campus food, and studying Economics at Kent. Read here.


  • We wished our Class of 2022 a huge congratulations at the November Graduations. See the photos here.

Closing soon…

  • We are inviting student-led applications for research scholarships commencing in September 2023. Submit your application by 20th January 2023.

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