Telma Yamou, PhD candidate has received a Frédéric Bastiat Fellowship, one-year, competitive fellowship program awarded to graduate students attending master’s, juris doctoral, and doctoral programs in a variety of fields including economics, law, political science, and public policy.
‘I am interested in using economic theory, non-market valuation techniques (Choice experiment, Contingent valuation) and causal inference methods (diff-in-diff, IV, etc) to address real-world agri-environmental issues, to inform policymaking. I am also keen on health policies.’
This fellowship has enabled her to attend four political economy conferences in the USA at George Mason University, as a Mercatus Center Frédéric Bastiat fellow.
‘I gained interesting economic insights that would be useful in my approach to public policy analysis and research including my current policy-relevant PhD research in Nigeria.’ she told us ‘as well as giving me the opportunity to network with other fellows from universities around the world, with a common interest.’