Your Future, One Step at Time


Thinking about your future career can be daunting. To support you in the next steps of your career development, the University of Kent is offering a series of relaxed ’employment and mental health’ focused sessions. These sessions are particularly aimed at students experience anxiety and stress


Following last year’s project, Your Future, One Step at a Time, the Careers and Employability Service in collaboration with the School of Politics and IR, will again be running a series of mental health and employment sessions during the autumn term. The project offers students who self-identify with mental health conditions to receive support in informal group sessions, which focuses on employability.


Sessions will include topics on: managing anxiety in the workplace, disclosing a mental health condition and developing career confidence, which will be delivered on the Canterbury campus.


The introductory session will begin during #EmpFest18 on the 5th October 2018, which will focus on ‘Preparing for the Careers Fair Access Hour. The Access Hour will run from 10am – 11am during the Careers Fair, for students who may find the Fair daunting, enabling them to meet with employers in a less crowded environment.


There will then be three further sessions on Wednesday 31 October, 7 and 14 November from 1pm – 2pm. The workshops will be open to all students, who are able to attend any of the sessions – one, two or all!


Sessions will be available to book online via Target Connect at: