Dear Colleagues,
At the last Adult Health and Social Care group meeting we decided that there was value in having the group and continuing to hold regular face-to-face meetings. However, in order to promote dialogue within the group outside this infrequent coming together, we decided to trail an e-forum which enthusiastic members could use to post ideas/information and promote discussions. This is the initiation of that process and we have posted a page which contains the report of our last workshop, slides and videos of the presentations and an opportunity to start a dialogue. This is an attempt to see if people engage with the forum – if they do we will maintain it and expand it’s usefulness – if they don’t we’ll take it down again in a month or two – it’s up to you!
The forum is completely private and can only be read by users with the correct authentications. The access the forum please click log in towards the right hand column of this page.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to either contact either myself or my forums administrator, Luca Macis (
Kind regards,
Peter Jeffries.