The DiscoverTable has been running smoothly and the status is satisfactory from management point of view.
A potential for creating long term collaborations & mutually beneficial co-operation between Europe and the other Third Countries is seen based on those reported research and knowledge transfer activities. Benefit of the mobility to the European Research Area and the  contribution to European excellence and competitiveness through valuable transfer of knowledge are also seen based on frequent open lectures/invited talks/seminars.
As previously planned, Prof. Chua is employed on a full-time basis by the University of Kent. He has a full access to all the usual facilities such as HR support, Salaries and Wages support, Research Office support, library, office, lab and computing facilities. In particular, the HR department at Kent dealt successfully with all work-permit issues and gave assistance with housing. Prof. Chua was accompanied by his wife and his children have also come from the USA to visit him in the UK. Prof.
Leon Chua is also involved in the supervision of Prof. Frank Wang’s PhD students and such an involvement has been productive, evidenced by a few student papers. Prof Leon Chua is also planning to give specific lectures to our MSc students to help broaden their knowledge. So far, no obvious problem or deviation from the original plan has occurred and all are under control. There is no gender issue and ethical issue.