In DiscoverTable, Chua and Wang (the localhost) will further extend their advocated tables to cover not only the “ideal” elements but also non-ideal elements with additional state variables, which will reflect the latest advance in modern information technology (IT) because most of real-world molecular and nano-electronic elements have multiple state variables. The importance of a circuit element table is similar to that of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in Chemistry. Such a table would help us categorise the existing circuit elements and predict new circuit elements.
So far a good progress has been made in terms of extending the existing theory. Supersymmetry in Circuit Theory has been proposed, in which each elementary circuit element has a supersymmetric element as its superpartner. Supported by instrinsic mathematical relationships, this supersymmetry is found to be aesthetically beautiful and practically useful.
Similar to Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements, the supersymmetric periodic table of circuit elements could be used to not only categorize the existing elements logically but also predict new elements. As an example, negative memristor is predicted and its features and potential applications are investigated.