Category Archives: Meetings

Spring Term 2017 Programme

The following events will take place during Spring Term. All meetings are on Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Rooms will be confirmed prior to each meeting.

Date Event Venue
Wed 22 February The Widdowson – Fairclough debate on Critical Discourse Analysis

  • Widdowson, H. Critical Discourse Analysis (Chapter 6). In: Widdowson, Henry. 2004. Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Isssues in Discourse Analysis. London Blackwell. 89–111
  • Fairclough, N. 1996. A reply to Henry Widdowson’s “Discourse Analysis: a critical review”. Language and Literature 5(1), 49-56.

Governor’s House,  GHf05

Wed 8 March Bee Scherer (CCCU): On Queer Theory (talk & discussion) UKC (DS1-Darwin)
Wed 15 March Charlotte Taylor (University of Sussex) :TBC (talk & discussion) CCCU
Wed 22 March Alexandra Polyzou (CCU) Presupposition, CDA, and Cognition (talk & discussion) UKC (RS4-Rutherford)

DPS Group: Focus & Research Directions

At the first meeting of the Discourse, Power, and Society Reading & Research Group, participants discussed their research interests and themes on which the group could focus on in the future. We created a first “map” including the relevant disciplines, theoretical debates, types of discourse and types of case studies that interest the group.



The discussed paper is an overview of the field of Critical Discourse Studies:

Wodak, R. & Meyer, M. (2015). Critical discourse studies: history, agenda, theory and methodology. In R. Wodak, & M. Meyer (Eds.), Methods of critical discourse studies. (3rd ed., pp. 1-22). London: Sage.