Digital Research and Development Fund for the Arts seeks part-time 2yr postdoc

The Digital Research and Development Fund for the Arts is a strategic partnership between Nesta, Arts Council England and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. More than £7 million is being made available over three years (2012 – 2015) to support research and development projects that enable arts and cultural organisations to use digital technology to enhance audience reach and/or explore new business models. The Fund supports collaborations between arts and cultural organisations based in England, technology providers and academic researchers working in the arts and humanities and social sciences.

The funders are looking to appoint a Researcher to look at R&D processes across the entire portfolio of funded R&D projects that will be supported in England over the next two years.

The Researcher will be funded by the AHRC while they remain employed and based at his/her institution. The Researcher will be supervised by the Director for Creative Economy in Nesta’s Policy & Research Unit. Mentoring support will also be provided by the AHRC’s Associate Director for Programmes (Creative Economy).

Two year, part time. Start date: December 2013.
Application deadline: 4pm, Friday 25 October 2013.

For further information and instructions on how to apply, visit the AHRC advertisement. If you intend to apply, please contact Lynne Bennett in the first instance.