“We now invite proposals for presentations in the Spring Term 2014 Centre for e-Research (CeRch) seminar series at King’s College London.

The CeRch seminars provide a venue for discussion and engagment of a range of projects, applications, methods and theories spanning the Centre’s academic interests in computing, library and archives research, digital culture, information science and digital scholarship. Talks can cover any topic within CeRch’s areas of interest and expertise, including applied and theoretical papers and discussion of early results. More details about the CeRch Seminar Series are at the bottom of this email.

The call is open to all, including people at any stage in their academic career and those working outside academia, with the possibility to facilitate remote speakers.

Seminars will be streamed live and published as online video after the event, unless the speaker requests otherwise. Reasonable limited travel expenses can be met, along with one night’s accommodation in London if necessary.

Please submit an abstract of up to 400 words to Anna Jordanous, via email to cerch@kcl.ac.uk  by Thursday 12th December 2013. Please also contact Anna if you have any questions.

Seminars will take place on Tuesday 6.15pm-7.30pm, provisionally on 21st Jan, 4th Feb, 18th Feb, 4th March, 18th March 2014. Please indicate your availability for these dates or alternative Tuesdays (January-March 2014) in your submission email.

We look forward to hearing from you,
Anna Jordanous
Centre for e-Research, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London.”

Centre for e-Research Seminar Series

The Centre for e-Research (CeRch) at King’s College London runs an interdisciplinary seminar programme on alternate Tuesday evenings during term time.

With viewpoints from many disciplines including the sciences, social sciences and humanities, the series’ primary focus is to stimulate discussion and provide new and innovative insight into design, development and use of digitally-based methods and technologies, and the theoretical issues that they raise (especially where they interact with a range of other fields).

Previous topics have included visualisation, webometrics, digital research infrastructures, computational creativity, motion data, computational linguistics, cultural value and social network analysis, among many others. Details of recent seminars in this series can be seen at
http://www.kcl.ac.uk/innovation/groups/cerch/research/seminars/ .

The series invites contributions for talks engaging with innovative questions or applications, using technology-enhanced methods. The series provides excellent networking opportunities, and will be of interest to anyone interested in debates around theories and practice in computing and digital technologies.

Seminars are held fortnightly on Tuesdays during term time at 6.15pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Anatomy Museum Space, at King’s College London, Strand Campus (http://www.kcl.ac.uk/cultural/spaces/anatomy-museum.aspx).

Seminars are followed by drinks and nibbles.

Twitter: @KingsCeRch     hashtag: #cerchseminars