G 42360 Verso
G 42360 verso: Dimensions: 13 x 12.6 cm. Date: mid- to late III century BC. Provenance: meris of Polemon, Arsinoites. The hand of G 42360 verso is very similar to, possibly identical with, that of G 42360 recto. A potential distinguishing feature is that it generally writes larger characters than the hand of G 42360 recto. Palaeographical parallels suggest a date for this document in the middle or in the second half of the third century BC, which suits the date of the recto excellently. For the provenance of this fragment, the place name Oxyrhy[nchon (?), if correctly read, at the end of line 8 suggests the meris of Polemon of the Arsinoite nome, which is confirmed by the geographical information provided by G 42359 recto and G 42359 verso. In terms of its content, this fragmentary text is closely related to G 42359 verso to the extent that these two texts appear to come from the same document or, at least, from two documents which were closely associated with one another (see the description of G 42359 verso). In line 11 of this text, between day 20 and day 27 of a month the name of which has not survived, the entry eis Mesore is found, which probably refers to a payment made for this month. This suggests that the month for which this list of tax payments was drawn up was probably not Mesore but presumably one of the immediately preceding or following months and that this entry contained an advance or late payment. This brief text also has some significance from an onomastic perspective in that it preserves an apparently new Egytian personal name (Aroys in line 7) and some otherwise very rare (Pasoys in line 10 and Peteisis in lines 5 and 9) variants of other names. The papyrus was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 6.