G 60362 Recto
G 60362 recto: Dimensions: 12.1 x 6.3 cm. Date: about 210 – mid-II century BC. Provenance: Koites toparchy, Herakleopolites. The main interest of this small fragment lies in the attestation of the rare Herakleopolite village name Thmoiouthis, which is to date mentioned in only three other papyri. Due to its fragmentary state of preservation, the precise type of this document is difficult to determine. What is, however, clear from the surviving parts of the text is that it was some type of account related to agriculture in which various individuals and probably various kinds of agricultural produce were listed. This account appears to be structured geographically, proceeding from village to village within a certain geographical area. Within each such geographical unit were listed the names of various individuals and probably various kinds of agricultural produce, together with the relevant figures for them. As both villages mentioned by this text, Kerkesephis and Thmoiouthis, were probably located in the Koites toparchy of the Herakleopolite nome, this toparchy appears to have formed the wider geographical-administrative context of this document. The internal geographical information provided by the text suggests that the provenance of this papyrus is to be looked for in the Herakleopolite nome and perhaps precisely in the Koite toparchy. The palaeographical features of the different kinds of handwriting of the three texts on the recto and the verso, the figures probably signifying sums of money on the verso and the year dates (“for the 21st year”) also on the verso suggest that the papyrus was written in the period between approximately 210 and the mid-second century BC. It was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 10.