G 42358 Recto
G 42358 recto: Dimensions: 6.2 x 9 cm. Date: 18 February 237 BC. Provenance: Krokodilopolis, Arsinoites. The chief interest of this small fragment is constituted by its rarity from various points of view. First, it is a tax receipt for the seldom attested and still little known tax, the telos ananeoseos, which is to date mentioned in only two Ptolemaic papyri. Secondly, this receipt was drawn up at to en tei polei logeuterion, a rare expression which refers to the tax collecting office at Krokodilopolis in the Arsinoite nome. Finally, the document uses technical terms (homologei, diagegraphenai and logeuterion) in the receipt formula which, albeit not at all rare on their own, are very rarely attested in combination. These special characteristics of our document associate it with a very small pool of parallel texts, of which the closest is SB XVI 12343. Both texts are tax receipts for the telos ananeoseos, drawn up in the same year at the logeuterion in Krokodilopolis, Arsinoites in the name of probably the same official called Ptolemaios probably by the same scribe using the same technical terms and expressions. Finally, even the physical dimensions of the two documents and the division of the texts into lines are similar. For these reasons, in this fragment we have another rare document showing the operations and staff of the logeuterion in Krokodilopolis in the 230s BC and providing us with a valuable new attestation of the telos ananeoseos. The handwriting appears to be identical with (or at least very similar to) that of SB XVI 12343. The papyrus was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 1.