Parkinson’s warrior Sarah Frow powers through day 4 of her Pilgrims’ Way Challenge

Sarah Frow, our very own fitness instructor at the Parkinson’s Centre for Integrated Therapy (PCIT), continues to tick off the miles on her incredible Pilgrim’s Way challenge. Diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease three years ago, Sarah is running from Winchester to Canterbury alongside her friend Steve Howard, raising awareness and funds for PCIT.

Day four saw them tackle the 44km (27 miles) stretch from South Croydon to Rochester, adding another impressive chunk to their total distance. With a good night’s rest at Steve’s home and a home-cooked breakfast to fuel them, Sarah and Steve set off for another grueling day. They received a fantastic boost at the beginning, with Steve’s wife Kalpee and their adorable dog Arya joining them for the first 19km.

The journey continued to Otford, where an amazing surprise awaited them. Friends Karen and Rachel, along with Sarah’s brother Al, had come out to cheer them on, complete with motivational banners. Their support undoubtedly lifted Sarah and Steve’s spirits as they pushed through the demanding afternoon. While the rain mercifully held off until the final 2km, the terrain still presented its challenges.

Through sheer determination and the incredible support they’re receiving, Sarah and Steve are conquering each day. We wish them a well-deserved rest as they prepare for day five.

Their fundraising efforts are also going strong. Thanks to the generosity of many supporters, they’re now just £1,500 away from reaching their £20,000 target (excluding Gift Aid). Every donation makes a difference in supporting vital exercise programmes at PCIT.

Inspired by Sarah’s story? Here’s how you can help:

  • Donate: Visit Sarah’s fundraising page and contribute any amount you can.
  • Spread the word: Share this post and Sarah’s story with your network to raise awareness.

Let’s come together and support this incredible journey!


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