Music and Gratitude: Celebrating our benefactors and the impact of their support

On Saturday 8th June, we welcomed over 70 benefactors to an afternoon of music and appreciation. “Music for a Summer’s Day” was performed by the University of Kent Concert Band, Chorus, Symphony Orchestra and Cecilian Choir, bringing together students, staff, alumni and members of the local community for a captivating performance.

The afternoon saw our guests enjoy a varied programme, from the rousing energy of John Philip Sousa’s “Liberty Bell March” to the timeless beauty of Mozart’s “Allegro maestoso” from “Flute Concerto No. 1 in G major”. Highlights included the powerful operatic selections – the “Humming Chorus” from Puccini’s Madam Butterfly and the Waltz Scene from Tchaikovsky’s “Eugene Onegin”. Soloists Yuyu Hosokawa (Flute) and Kammy Pike (Violin) delivered performances that left the audience enthralled.

Following the concert, guests enjoyed a glass of bubbly and strawberries on the registry lawn which provided an opportunity for us to thank them for their generous support over the past year.

Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura, Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Kent, Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, Vice-Chancellor, Canterbury Christ Church University and Professor Chris Holland, Founding Dean of Kent and Medway Medical School remain immensely grateful for the continued support of their supporters and friends.

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