Dr Marian Duggan is a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Kent, Canterbury. Marian’s research focuses on the specific impacts of social, cultural and political dynamics informing and sustaining targeted victimisation (mainly on the basis of gender and/or sexuality), related legislative responses and the possibilities for effective violence prevention.
Marian has published widely in the area of sexuality and victimisation, particularly in relation to homophobia in Northern Ireland. She is the author of Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland (Ashgate, 2012), as well as The Politics of Pride: Representing Relegated Sexual Identities in Northern Ireland (NILQ, 2010), Homophobic Hate Crime in Northern Ireland (2010) and Theorising Homophobic Hate Crime in Northern Ireland (2008).
Marian is the co-editor (with M.Cowburn, A. Robinson and P. Senior) of Values in Criminology and Community Justice (Policy Press, 2013), a collection which covers a vast range of issues relating to criminal justice theory, policy and practice. More recently, in Administrating Victimization: The Politics of Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime Policy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Marian and co-author Vicky Heap address the increasing bureaucratisation of victim management, focusing specifically on the rapid and often complex developments in relation to targeted and repeat harassment.
In addition to her scholarly roles, Marian is an active volunteer and fundraiser for several feminist community voluntary organisations aligned to providing support for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. She has also written blogs and articles on issues relating to gender, sexuality and victimisation for several not-for-profit organisations which can be found on her academia.edu page: https://kent.academia.edu/MarianDuggan
Publications assessing the factors informing and sustaining victimisation through a culturally specific lens:
- Duggan, M. (2014) ‘Sectarianism and Hate Crime in Northern Ireland’ in N. Hall, A. Corb, P. Giannasi and J. Grieve (eds) The International Handbook on Hate Crime, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Duggan, M. (2012) Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Duggan, M. (2010) ‘The Politics of Pride: Representing Relegated Sexual Identities in Northern Ireland’, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 61(2): 163 – 178.
- Duggan, M. (2008) ‘Theorising Homophobic Violence in Northern Ireland’ British Society of Criminology Conference Proceedings, Vol. 8, 2008 available at: http://www.britsoccrim.org/v8.htm
Dr Duggan teaches the SO830 Gender and Crime in a Globalised World MA module.