Tuesday 27th June 2023
Kennedy Seminar Room 1, Canterbury Campus
Embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Curriculum and Co-Curriculum
Higher education has a key role to play in protecting our collective future. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at Kent is about ensuring that our graduates, regardless of their field of study, are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attributes to face global challenges. The United Nations have agreed to action on 17 Sustainable Development Goals, addressing a range of inter-connected social, economic, and environmental challenges such as social inequalities, resource use, and climate change. Tackling these issues requires that students be future-oriented, reflect on their own values and positions, practice systems thinking, and use their own disciplinary knowledge in problem-solving challenges related to their field. Through this conference, we aim to stimulate academics to rethink their disciplines from a sustainability perspective and encourage staff in a variety of roles to embed knowledge, skills, and attributes of sustainability across formal and informal learning opportunities.
The programme for the conference is now available here. The conference will be opened by Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience, and Dr Patrick Baughan, Head of Education at the University of Law and a former Senior Learning Advisor at Advance HE specialising in ESD, will give the keynote (for further details see here).
To book a place at the conference, please sign up via Eventbrite by 20 June 2023.
Please note that the conference is only open to staff at the University of Kent.