Category Archives: Uncategorized
Student blog post: NHS could save £1.7bn from 20 minutes of cycling or walking a day
The article from the Evening Standard made a headline that could possibly display signs of a ‘fake story’. It is using the NHS to complete the story about Sadiq Khan’s new proposal for healthy streets. Random statistics are thrown into … Continue reading
Student blog post: Mental illness affects 1 in 4 people
The statistic I am analysing is, ‘mental illness affects 1 in 4 people’ founded on the website ‘Rethink Mental Illness.’ The statistic appears on the front page of the website because it’s purpose is to make the reader feel as … Continue reading
Introducing the Critical Thinking Blog
Welcome to the Critical Thinking blog! Part of what the Critical Thinking course is about is learning how to understand the numbers and statistics that surround us in our everyday lives.The modern world is awash with numerical claims: Politicians use … Continue reading