Author Archives: rd350
Best posts of the term
We had many great submissions to the blog over the course of this term, on a wide variety of topics. Now that the course is over, I thought I would highlight some of the best contributions we received. So here, in … Continue reading
Student Post: Is life fair? Only a quarter of Brits think so
A survey was conducted by YouGov which had asked people across the UK, “Do you think life is fair or not fair?” whereby out of the sampled 1,660 people, 25% had supported the notion that life is fair. The headline … Continue reading
Student Post: Nurses vote on strike action after NHS pay cuts leave staff ‘struggling to make ends meet’
“Health service staff have received a one per cent pay rise but inflation is at 2.3 per cent” The news report that I have chosen to analysis is based around the NHS pay cuts which have left nurses struggling to make enough … Continue reading
Student Post: The rise of electric shock treatment in England
According to an article on the Daily Mail the use of electric shock therapy has been increasing in England, with an increase of 11% in the last four years and the number of treatments per patient rising from 9.6 to … Continue reading
Student Post: Opposite sex marriages among over 65’s increase by nearly half The headline suggests that marriages among people over 65 increase by nearly half which is reflected in the statistics shown in the article that between 2009 and 2014, there was a 47% increase in the opposite sex marriage rate … Continue reading
Student Post: The Guardian – Uber v TfL: court hears written English test will cost 33,000 drivers their jobs
Summary of article Demand for minicab drivers to pass language test to obtain license Test (writing short essay) would not apply to black cab drivers Would put nearly 1/3 of London minicab drivers out of business (Uber) Uber lawyers say … Continue reading
Student post: Mixed new drug with statins can reduce risk of heart attack
By Jock Rayment This article found on the Times website, outlines how the combination of statins, a well-known treatment taken by an estimated 6 million Brits, along with a new “breakthrough” drug named Evolocumab can supposedly reduce the risk of heart attack. … Continue reading
Student post: Term-time holidays – Where most children were absent
A recent study has found that more students, in comparison to previous years, are taking time out of school to go on holiday. A report by the BBC has claimed that ‘Term-time holidays accounted for a quarter of unauthorised absences … Continue reading
Student post: No more painkillers and gluten-free food on the NHS as health service head launches cost-cutting drive
Recently it has been announced that the NHS will be not be prescribing painkillers or gluten-free food. They are attempting to cut costs to the NHS and will no longer be offering everyday medicines which can be bought in supermarkets. … Continue reading
Are ‘healthy’ smoothies actually good for you?
Author: Anonymous While current generations have become more health conscious, companies have taken note and have created more ‘healthy’ products to market to the ‘clean eating’ market. This includes companies like Naked, who have created a brand revolving around healthy … Continue reading