In the article, it states that 2/3 of students believe that there should be a second referendum based on the terms of the Brexit deal. The report says the findings are based on research carried out by the National Union of Students (NUS), having asked 2,685 UK students between the ages of 16 and 24. Having looked at the NUS research they do back up what the news report is saying, however there is no information given to us about the sample, we are just told that they are UK students between the ages of 16 and 24 which is very vague. Plus, in the sample they have used 2,685 students however, there are millions of students in the UK so it is unclear whether these findings are not only accurate but also representative. Finally, in the research article they do not state what questions they asked the students they interviewed so there is no way of finding out whether the findings they are stating are actually what they asked the students involved in the research. and