This statistic was collected from the Health Survey for England in 2015. A BMI calculation was carried out on individuals which gives an overall measurement of their ideal weight. This causes complications because BMI words by analyzing excess weight rather than excess body fat, indicating that some individuals may generate a higher BMI than expected however due to their weight such as muscle rather than fat. This is therefore not an appropriate form of measurement because it does not give an indication towards whether people have excess fat, which people would assume from the title. The ages of individuals were not included within the statistic which could alter results. This is because a person’s age could affect their weight severely, therefore possibly placing them into an incorrect category. The statistic was gained from people over 16, which causes generalizing issues because usually a person is considered an adult over 18 years of age, therefore the proportion of sixteen to eighteen-year olds within the sample could alter results. The occupations of individuals were not given which may affect the results because some occupations may cause for individuals to be heavier, therefore a higher BMI which indicates obesity, for example within some sports. It is also stated within the source that the rate of increase has been slowed down since 2001, at 36-39%. This then indicates that obesity has not suddenly become a problem however has been at this level for over fifteen years. A more appropriate headline would be ‘obesity has increased by 36-39% since 2001.