“Obama signs Executive order banning the pledge of allegiance in schools nationwide”
In September 2016 www.abcnews.com.co a credited fake news website circulated on both their website, Facebook and Twitter page, that Obama has signed the executive order 13738 which revoked federal government recognition of the pledge of allegiance and banning it in schools nationwide. Both in America and around the world believed this news article, as it is seen to become evident as the site was named ABC News who are a credited mainstream media source linked to the White house.
The news story explained the consequences of any public agencies including schools encouraging or reciting the pledge of allegiance, the story states people who break this new law “can face fines of up to $10,000 and up to one year in federal prison.” Once people read this, they started to recognise that this was illegitimate, as the consequences are too extreme to the small severity of the crime that they have committed.
This particular news story was seen as very direct and misinformed as there is an executive order 13738 signed by Barrack Obama on August 23rd which focuses on labour laws and government’s use of private contractors. Here is provided a link to a federal government register website on the real executive order 13738. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-08-26/pdf/2016-20713.pdf.
Finally the website www.abcnews.com.co are clearly very right wing republican fake news site who were pushing false information for the American public to sway their opinions on both Obama and the democratic party, and it is also a convenience as the article was published so near to the 2016 election. This is just one prime example of a false story spread on social media and the internet to push their agenda, as 2016 was the year of the rise of fake news around the world.