On Wednesday 27 January 2021 I was delighted to have more than 30 people come to the first session of our rebooted Copyright Community of Practice. It was online this time round (obviously), so unfortunately no opportunity to share biscuits. But thanks to the appearance of our special guest Dr Jane Secker from City, University of London, we were able to have some illuminating and enjoyable conversations. Our chosen topic was the highly topical question of copyright and its impact on online learning. Here are the slides we used to frame the conversation:
We had great attendance from my colleagues in Information Services (both library and IT) as well as representatives from the learning technology team and technical and teaching staff from the academic divisions. We discussed a range of issues such as:
- how we navigate the legal and technical challenges of providing access to audiovisual content,
- how to provide access to books whilst students are unable to access the library, and
- the way that copyright risk is interpreted in different institutions and in other countries
We decided against recording the event in order to encourage open sharing of people’s experiences, but we will definitely be hosting future sessions on the topic and I’ll also be setting up some online Copyright Card Game sessions soon.
The next session is at 2pm on Wednesday 24th February and will be on the theme of copyright and digitisation of collections. The session will focus on our own special collections and archives, work we’ve done to digitise our collection of theses, as well as the work our researchers do with archival material that has copyright issues associated with it (e.g. the Great War Theatre project). If you are interested in attending please drop me a line at copyright@kent.ac.uk