Supporting each others’ mental wellbeing is a top priority as technicians work in isolation
Like all staff across the University of Kent, technicians from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts (EDA) have found themselves working from home, often in isolation from others.
The usual practical nature and face to face interactions of their work has dramatically changed with some colleagues spending more time than ever before in their career, on a computer screen. It has become exceptionally important at such a unprecedented time that technical staff make time to support each other and value the importance of their mental wellbeing.
To end the first official week of working from home, the EDA technical team held their first virtual online Pub Quiz. Led by Engineering Supervisor, Andrew Brookman, the team was guided through five rounds of questions, including trivia, ‘what’s that sound?’ and celebrity challenge. After what had been a challenging week for all, the mood was soon lightened with much laughter to be heard.
Paul Sinnock, Director of IT and Technical Services, commented, “At such a challenging time it is important that we maintain that technical team spirit and provide a space for staff, who may be isolated at home, to come together and support each other”.
Following the success of the event, the session has now been expanded to every week and the invite has been extended to include the EDA professional services administration team. The next event is virtual Pictionary – what could possibly go wrong?!