Following rescheduling due to the ongoing UCU industrial action, we are very happy to announce the final schedule for the seminar series The Future of Work. Details on speakers, titles and rooms can be found below and on the attached poster – The Future of Work seminar series
All University staff and students are welcome to attend, and please feel free to distribute to any networks, lists or individuals you feel may be interested.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch ( if you have any questions.
Thursday 22nd March 2018,17:00-19:00, RLT2
Valeria Graziano (Coventry University) and Kim Trogal (University of the Creative Arts, Canterbury): ‘On repair movements, domestic fantasies and antiwork politics?’
Wednesday 28th March 2018, 15:00-17:00, KS13
Dawn Lyon (UoK) ‘Making a future that counts: Young people’s narratives of working futures in a post-industrial landscape.’
Wednesday 9th May 2018, 15:00-17:0,0 W1-SR6 *CANCELLED*
David Frayne (Cardiff University): ‘Capitalism and the Politics of Free-Time’
Wednesday 16th May 2018. 15:00-17:00, W1-SR6
David Bates (Canterbury Christ Church University): ‘Immaterial Labour, Exploitation and the Refusal of Work.’
Tuesday 22nd May 2018, 17:00-19:00, RLT2 *CANCELLED*
Annalise Murgia (University of Leeds): ‘Experiencing Precariousness in the Hybrid Areas of Work: The Case of Italy.’