This Friday, 15 November 2019, the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC) will host the first joint research workshop in partnership with the Centre for Conflict Studies in Marburg, Germany. This kick-off event unites current and relevant research from the University of Kent as well as the Philipps-Universität Marburg under one roof. Since the workshop is devoted to interdisciplinary and international research cooperation, a delegation of researchers from both institutes will present their current research over the course of the following four distinctive panels:
- Exploring Institutional Reform in Deeply Divided Societies
- Fractures, Coalitions, and Acceptance in Deeply Divided Societies
- Differences, Preferences, and Support of Citizens in Deeply Divided Societies
- Critical Perspectives on Conflict and Security
During the extensive workshop, participants of the event not only have a chance to discuss recent trends in conflict related research but also interdisciplinary and international cooperation in peace and conflict research. In addition, there will be room to discuss contributions and opportunities embedded in the two-year master programme as well as the similarities or differences in teaching and research.
To conclude, this workshop will enable profound insights in interdisciplinary, international and interinstitutional cooperation in research and more specifically the cooperation between CARC and the Centre for Conflict Studies. Participants truly can look forward to contributions and discussions of scientific significance and social as well as practical relevance.
For more information to the workshop and the joint degree programme, please contact: Dr. Nadine Ansorg