Emanuela Mangiarotti

Emanuela Mangiarotti holds a PhD in International Conflict Analysis from the University of Kent.  The title of her PhD dissertation is: Transcending the Communal Paradigm: Interfaith Relations Across Multiple Dimensions in Hyderabad (India).

She is currently researching on the construction of minorities and majorities in conflict focusing on Kashmir.

Emanuela has worked in association with several European and Indian civil society organisations in the field of international and community development, women’s rights and conflict transformation.

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Martin Gaal

Martin read for his MA degree in International Relations at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies and continued on to the PhD programme which he completed in 2012.

Martin’s general research interests include Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations Theory, and area studies. His doctoral research looks at the role of identity and interest as determinants of foreign policy. Specifically, he is enquiring into the role states such as Canada and Norway have played in the promotion of liberal international norms and investigating why Middle Power states act as ethical norm entrepreneurs.

While studying, Martin has worked for the European Parliament as a researcher and later at the European security and defence consultancy COPURA as well as teaching at Drew University and for the University of Kent. He is currently lecturing at the University of Saskatchewan in the departments of Political Studies and International Studies.

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Nur Daut

Nur Daut started her studies at the BSIS in September 2007 as a research student on the MPhil/PhD program in International Relations. She earned her MA degree from Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands in 2004 in Political Science. Prior to that, she also studied at Syracuse University, New York where she received her B.A degree in International Relations in 1999.

After her studies she has been lecturing at the Department of International and Strategic Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia. She also had the experience of working as a teaching assistant on several introductory courses on European Studies (The Process of European Integration and European Model of Regional Integration) in University of Malaya.

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Olga Burlyuk

Olga Burlyuk started her studies at the BSIS in September 2009 as a full-time research student on the MPhil/PhD in International Relations program. Previously, she earned her Bachelor in Law (2007) and Master in Law (2009) degrees from the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Ukraine) and MA degree in European Studies (2008) from the University of Maastricht (Netherlands).

During her previous studies, Olga participated in a number of international competitions for law students, and took part in international conferences on the contemporary issues of international and, particularly, European politics.

Olga is a teaching assistant to Dr. Tom Casier on the “Europe in the World” course and a seminar tutor for “Fundamentals, Dissertation and Research” course.

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Professor Roger Vickerman

Roger Vickerman is Dean for Europe with responsibility for the development of the University’s four European Centres as well as Professor of European Economics. He studied at the Universities of Cambridge and Sussex and after a period as a Research Fellow at Sussex and a Lecturer at Hull moved to the University of Kent in 1977, becoming Professor of Regional and Transport Economics in 1989 and Professor of European Economics in 1998. He was Head of School from 1993-1999 and again from 2005 to 2009. He founded the Centre for European, Regional and Transport Economics in 1993 and has been its Director since then. He was also Director of the Kent Centre for Europe, a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

He has held visiting posts at the Universities of Münster (Germany) and Guelph (Canada) and was Visiting Professor at the Institute of Transport Studies, University of Sydney (Australia) in 1999 and the Central European University in Budapest 2001-2005. He has worked as a consultant to the European Commission, the UK Government and Kent County Council. He was a member of the Planning Advisory Group of the Department of the Environment (1994-96), of the Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1996-1999), and Economic Advisory Group of the Home Office since 2006.

He was a member of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (Scientific Advisory Council) of the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin from 1998 to 2005, and Hs been a member of theConseil Scientifique of the Groupement Régional Nord Pas de Calais pour la Recherche dans les Transports (GRRT), Lille since 1991. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Regional Studies, Transport Policy and Letters in Spatial and Resource Science

In 2001 he was elected to the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences of which he was elected to the Council in 2007. In 2002 he was awarded the honorary degree of Dr. rer.pol by the Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany. He is also a member of the Academy of Social Sciences, the Royal Society of Arts and the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport.

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Dr Jamie Shea

Currently Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Emerging Security Challenges at Nato, Shea received a First Class Honours degree from Sussex University in Modern History and French before reading for a Doctorate at Oxford University which he completed in 1981. His thesis was titled “European Intellectuals and the Great War 1914-1918”.

He started his career in Nato as Administrator in the Council Operations Section of the Executive Secretariat, then became Head of Youth programmes before moving on to head up External Relations Conferences and Seminars. In 1988 he became Assistant to the Secretary General for Special Projects where he was responsible for speech writing and ghost writing articles, press releases, book chapters and official communiquès as well as advising the Secretary General on political and military issues and on his public communications strategy.

In 1993 he became Nato spokesman and Deputy Director of Information and Press and then in 2003 he was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary General for External Relations, Public Diplomacy Division. In September 2005 he was appointed Director of Policy Planning in the Private Office of the Secretary General responsible for advising and assisting the Secretary General, senior NATO management, and the Council in addressing strategic issues facing the Alliance.

Nato created its new Emerging Security Challenges Division in August 2010 to deal with a growing range of what the alliance calls “non-traditional risks and challenges,” including terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), cyber defense and energy security. Dr Shea leads the division, which will also provide Nato with a strategic analysis capability to monitor and anticipate international developments that could affect allied security.

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Dr Marat Terterov

Marat Terterov is a British national, originally from Ukraine and raised in Australia. He has more than 10 years of experience working with Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia and the Caucasus in management capacities with international organisations, think tanks, technical assistance consulting projects, NGOs, and the private sector. Terterov has managed numerous investment promotion projects in the former-Soviet Union (FSU) and the Middle East, ranging from government-endorsed business publications to high-level investment forums drawing attention to prospective FSU economic sectors including energy, telecoms and insurance. This has brought him into close contact with many key decision makers in government and private sector in the FSU, where he has spent years building lasting relationships and negotiating the interests of the organisations he has represented.

Terterov holds a Doctorate in Middle Eastern politics from Oxford University (UK) and a Masters degree in international relations from an Australian university. This has given him the basis for exceptional communication skills, reflected by his many analytical publications on business and politics in the FSU and the Middle East, as well as his frequent public speaking engagements. He is currently engaged in the area of EU-FSU energy policy and seeks to become more active in the formulation of EU-FSU relations. Terterov speaks English, Russian and is conversant in Egyptian Arabic. He has lived and worked in Europe, North America, Australia and the Middle East and is deeply familiarity with the cultures of both East and West.

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Dr John Robinson

John Robinson, a UK national and resident in Brussels for the past 35 years, has been professionally associated with EC/EU developments and everyday activities over that period as journalist, Commission spokesman, and for many years now as senior EU adviser to leading international corporations.

In the past he has written extensively on matters relating to the EU and its predecessor organizations (EC/EEC/Common Market). He was sole editor of the Commission’s landmark book on 1992 (which launched the Internal Market Programme), and the author/co-author of several EU policy reports. This was in addition to (earlier) reporting on EC issues for The Economist and The Washington Post, for which he served as special correspondent in Brussels in the late ’70’s.

He served 4 years as the Commission spokesman on social and employment policy (1981-1985), during which he authored “Multinationals & Political Control”. This book was a comprehensive survey of the regulatory framework affecting international business in the EU and in the broader international framework.

Following this he entered the (then) nascent EU consultancy sector. He co-founded Robinson-Linton Associates in 1989, merging in 1998 with Burson Marsteller where he has since been a managing director. He is European vice-chairman of BKSH, the world-wide government relations division of Burson Marsteller.

Companies come to Robinson for his understanding of EU procedures and practices, and in particular of how they impact business. He provides knowledge, advice and judgment on how to tackle the challenges and opportunities corporations face in an EU characterized by frequent change and by arcane procedures which, for all the lip-service paid to transparency, often tend towards obscurity.

Robinson’s involvement for clients is in sectors like information technology, foodstuffs, packaging, consumer goods, chemicals, and in EU policy areas like competition/anti-trust, internal market, agriculture and the environment. Increasingly, comitology and regulatory decisions are replacing legislative procedures as the main impact and focus for business. This trend in EU activity is set to solidify following legislative slowdown after the 2004 enlargement and the 2005 debacle over the constitution.

Robinson’s professional career in Brussels began in 1972 as founding editor of European Report (now EIS), and as EIS Board member from 1976-1980. He was author/co-author of the following reports:”EEC business strategy: threats and opportunities” (1986); “EEC business regulation: its role in encouraging industrial cooperation and social dialogue” (for the Commission, 1986); “The cost of non-Europe: obstacles to trans-border business activity” (for the Commission, 1987).

Robinson holds an M.A. in Government and a B.A. in French (First Class) from Manchester University

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Dr Nikolas Rajovic

Nikolas is both an International Law (IL) and International Relations (IR) scholar. After completing his L.L.B., he became a barrister and solicitor specializing in labour and employment law. Nikolas’ turn to academia began with a scholarship to the Central European University (Budapest), where he completed graduate studies in 2005 and received the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. With the assistance of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nikolas moved to Italy and completed his Ph.D. at the European University Institute (Florence) in 2009. Prior to Kent Law School, he was Assistant Professor at Kyung Hee University (South Korea), a postdoctoral researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna), and Jean Monnet Fellow in Global Governance at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (Florence). In 2011 and 2012, he completed the intensive residential program at the Harvard Law School’s Institute for Global Law and Policy (IGLP). In late 2012, Nikolas was appointed IGLP Docent, contributing to the writing workshop program and, more recently, on a new teaching stream on International Law and International Relations opened at the 2014 Doha workshop. Since 2011, Nikolas has served as Management Committee member and later working group member of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action IS1003 “International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the postnational constellation”. He was recently appointed Associated Researcher at the Centre for the Politics of Transnational Law (CePTL) of the Faculty of Law, VU Amsterdam.

Nikolas’ has published in leading IL and IR journals such as the Leiden Journal of International Law, European Journal of International Relations, and International Relations. In 2012, his revised Ph.D. dissertation was published as a monograph by Routledge: The Politics of International Law and Compliance. Nikolas’ current research explores both conceptually and empirically the impact that practices of international law have on the constitution and contestation of “legality.”

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Russell Patten

Mr Patten has been responsible for many Brussels-based and pan-European lobbying and corporate communications campaigns, and over his 20-year career in Brussels has worked for a wide range of corporations, the European Commission, trade associations and the European Express Association where he was Secretary-General from 1994 to 2003. He has specialist PA expertise in the fields of EU consumer, food, transport, environment, financial services and trade policies. Regarding PR, he has specialised experience in dealing with the EU press corps, particularly on competition cases, as well as running pan-European corporate campaigns. He has a particular interest in EU-Japan relations, providing strategic expertise to Japanese corporations and ministries and regularly visits Japan.

Mr. Patten began his career when he joined the European Commission to work for the Strategy Unit of the Director General for Telecommunications, to assess South East Asian countries’ IT capabilities and their impact on the EU. He then joined an international law firm, Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly, to specialise in EU telecom, competition and trade law. Thereafter, Mr. Patten moved to a British public affairs consultancy, IGA Europe, managing their international clients and providing strategic counsel to third country governments. In 1995, he joined Hill and Knowlton where for six years he ran the PA department of the Brussels office where he made a significant contribution to expanding the business to be Brussels’ leading PA agency. In 2002, he was promoted to Vice-President and ran H&K’s PA network in the Europe, Middle East and Africa Region.

In July 2003, Russell joined Grayling Political Strategy (www.grayling.com and part of the Huntsworth Group) as Chief Executive, and continues to be very hands-on with regard to client work.

Mr. Patten has a Degree in Political Sciences and languages from the University of Kent, a Diploma in French politics from the “Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris” and a post-graduate Degree in EU Affairs from the College of Europe in Bruges.

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