Anthony Valcke

Anthony Valcke convenes and teaches the masters-level module on EU Migration Law and the skills course on EU advocacy.  He also founded and supervises the EU Rights Clinic, the first law clinic to specialise in EU law, which was set up by the University of Kent in Brussels in collaboration with the European Citizen Action Service.

Anthony received his PhD in Comparative Law from the Università di Palermo (Italy). He has studied law at King’s College London and the Université de Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne and holds a Master in European Law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He has practiced law with Clifford Chance and Baker & McKenzie in London and Brussels (1998-2005). He then worked for the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative in Liberia and the Philippines (2006-2012).

He is qualified as a solicitor in England and is also a member of the Brussels and Palermo bars. He currently works as an independent legal consultant specialising in EU and immigration issues.

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Sylvie Sarolea

Sylvie Saroléa teaches migration law, human rights and private international law at UCL, and is a founding partner of the Casabel lawfirm in Nivelles, where she practices in these areas. She is the president of the Association pour le droit des étrangers, a co-author of Droit des étrangers (Bruxelles: Bruylant 2012), and the author of Droits de l’homme et migrations. De la protection du migrant aux droits de la personne migrante (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2006).

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Marco Benatar

Marco Benatar graduated magna cum laude in law from the VUB and holds an LLM from New York University School of Law. He is currently a PhD candidate and teaching & research assistant at the Centre for European and International Law at the VUB. Among his publications are “The Use of Cyber Force: Need for Legal Justification?”, (2009) 1 Goettingen Journal of International Law 375, and “Dots and Lines in the South China Sea: Insights from the Law of Map Evidence”, (2012) 2 Asian Journal of International Law 89 (with Erik Franckx).

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Cedric Ryngaert

Cedric Ryngaert studied law in Leuven, where he also obtained his PhD in 2007. He currently holds tenured positions at the Universities of Leuven and Utrecht. He was a visiting researcher at Harvard Law School in 2005, and an assistant district prosecutor in Leuven in 2006.

In 2012, he won the five-yearly Henri Rolin prize (International law and international relations) for his work on jurisdiction. He is the author of Jurisdiction in International Law (OUP 2008), and a co-editor, with Luc Reydams and Jan Wouters, of International Prosecutors (OUP 2012).

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Chris Downes

Dr Chris Downes is a Guest Lecturer at the Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent. He holds an MA in European Politics from the University of Brussels (1996) and and LLM in International Law from the University of Kent (2005). He completed a doctorate at the University of Kent in 2012, specialising in WTO sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) regulations and their impact on European regulations. He is Senior Manager of International Trade and Regulatory Affairs at the European Consulting Company (ECCO), a Brussels-based consultancy specialising in food and trade policy and has 15 years experience of working with EU institutions in these fields. He teaches International Economic Law in Brussels.

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Robert Bray

Robert Bray started his career with the European Institutions as a lawyer/linguist, first at the Court of Justice and later at the European Parliament. Since 1999 he is a Principal Administrator at the European Parliament, since 2006 attached to the Legal Affairs Committee.

He is a Visiting Professor at the Università Carlo Bò, Urbino, Italy, and the longstanding editor of Lenaerts & Van Nuffel, European Union Law (Sweet & Maxwell, third edition 2011), and Lenaerts, Maselis & Arts, Procedural Law of the European Union (Sweet & Maxwell, third edition to be published in 2013).

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Moritz Pieper

Moritz Pieper started his PhD studies in International Relations at BSIS in September 2012. He earned a BA in European Studies from Maastricht University (2010), an MA in International Relations from the University of Kent, Canterbury (2012) and an MA in International Relations in Euroatlantic and Eurasian Communities from the Higher School of Economics, Moscow (2012). He has conducted part of his studies in Aix-en-Provence, France, as an exchange student in 2009.

During his studies, he completed internships with the state chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Moscow office of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation and the German embassy in Moscow.

Moritz is a teaching assistant to Dr. Tom Casier in the module on International Relations Theories.

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John Heieck

John Heieck began his studies at the BSIS in September 2012 as a full-time PhD research student in the International Law program. Previously, John earned his Bachelor of Arts in 2002 from the University of Notre Dame (US), Juris Doctor in 2007 from the Creighton University School of Law (US), and Master of Laws in 2010 from the Leiden University School of Law (Netherlands).  From August 2010 to February 2011, John served as a legal intern in the Appeals Division of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). In the spring of 2012, John taught as an Adjunct Professor of International Law at Creighton University. John is currently a Lecturer of Public International Law at BSIS, as well as the convenor of International Relations Theory for Lawyers.

Forthcoming publication:
J. Heieck, ‘The Responsibility Not to Veto Revisited: How the Duty to Prevent Genocide as a Jus Cogens Norm Imposes a Legal Duty Not to Veto on the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council’ in R. Barnes and V. Tzevelekos (eds.), Beyond Responsibility to Protect: Generating Change in International Law. (Forthcoming October 2015).

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Erol Kalkan

Erol Kalkan began his PhD studies in International Relations at the Brussels School of International Studies in 2008. Previously, he earned his BA at the Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, and a MA in Comparative Politics at the University of York, Heslington, York, UK.

His current research examines the transformation of Turkish foreign policy in European Union accession process.

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John Kotsopoulos

John Kotsopoulos recently completed his PhD in International Relations. His doctoral dissertation, entitled “Do Perceptions Matter? Negotiating EU-Africa Relations”, assessed the role of perceptions and individual agency in an asymmetrical negotiation process.  His case study was the Joint Africa-EU Strategy.

He holds an MSc in European Studies from the London School of Economics and an MA in Political Science from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

John is currently a consultant on foreign policy issues concerning the European Union and Africa. He worked at the Brussels-based European Policy Centre think-tank where he ran the EU-Africa Forum and the European Security and Global Governance programme. Prior to that, he was employed in Ottawa as a political desk officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, specialising in relations with the Commonwealth Caribbean region.

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