Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/brussels-profiles/2012/07/02/maria-schiller/feed/?withoutcomments=1
Maria Schiller started her studies at the BSIS in October 2009 as a research student on the MPhil/PhD program in Migration Studies. She earned her MPhil degree from the University of Vienna in 2007 in Cultural and Social Anthropology. Part of her studies she has conducted at the University of Utrecht, NL as an exchange student in 2004/05.
After her studies she has been lecturing at the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna and has collected some experiences in both academic and non-academic project work (research project „Contesting Multiculturalism: Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Sexual Autonomy in the EU”, internships in a number of NGOs working on migrant issues, traineeship at the Council of Europe Jan-April 2009).